Download and try SysManX

You can download and try SysManX for 14 days free of charge. To request a demo license you need to complete the registration form. A link to download the application will be provided together with the demo license key in an e-mail, so make sure you provide a valid e-mail address.

Looking for older versions? See download SysManSMS Server.

  • 1

    Request trial

    Click on link below and complete the form. An e-mail with a demo license and download link will be sent to you.

  • 2

    Download and install

    Download the setup file using the link provided with your demo license and install it.

  • 3

    Configure a modem and send SMS

    Connect your GSM modem or use our provided virtual modem service to send test SMS.

Important information

SysManX is an application for sending and receiving SMS using a GSM modem. You will need a supported modem in order to fully test and use the application. For initial testing we provide a virtual modem service online that can be used to simulate a GSM modem connection.